Q.1 What is the CCCR Outreach Application used for?
Ans :
The CCCR Outreach Application is a Web interface for displaying data. The CCCR Outreach Application Access enables you to:

1. Display maps, diagrams and graphs in color,

2. Request data to be extracted from the datasets in several different formats, (This function will be made available in future)

3. Compare different plots over different year and calculate the difference between any four years.

4. Animation for the particular period available on every datasets.

5. Calculate basic statistics (such as average, sum, maximum, minimum and variance etc.).
Q.2 How to use the CCCR Outreach Application and minimum requirements to run it?
Ans :
1. Best viewed on Mozilla Firefox 3.5+, For windows (Download from Here), For Linux (Download from Here) and Internet Explorer 7+ (Download from Here).

2. Activate the 'pop up' option in your web browser to enable graphic output. This may not work correctly if pop-ups are blocked.

3. Set your browser preferences to enable Java and JavaScript 

4. Requires cookies to be set to keep track of previous plot and subset choices CCCR Outreach Application DOES NOT use persistent cookies -- that is, cookies are NOT SAVED on a user's disk.

5. The cookie is only valid while a user's browser is active.

6. If this Application is not working for you, please check to make sure that Java and JavaScript are enabled in browser and not blocking pop-ups. If the interface still doesn't work, please contact us. ( mailto : cccroutreach@tropmet.res.in )
What are the functions of this application?
Ans :
This section describes the graphical interface and the main functions of the CCCR Outreach Application.

The following operations can be performed:

1. Select a dataset from category list by clicking “choose dataset” ,

2. Select a variable from this dataset,

3. Display Maps, Graphs in color, Line Plots and Hovmoller Plot.

4. Choose a spatial or temporal sub-set within the selected dimensions,

5. Choose the way in which data is displayed or retrieved: map, graph, table of figures

6. You should perform these operations in the order in which they are listed above. When this process is completed, the application delivers the desired results. For a graph or a table of figures, the result appears in an internet browser window. In all other cases, the browser downloads the results and prompts you to store them as a file.

7. To return, for more selection either click on “Choose Dataset” button and choose the dataset and variable you want OR you can also click on this link to return to previous selection. After Clicking on the Choose Dataset button the dataset list will popup. Select the required dataset for the analysis. Keeping track of selected variables - The function appears on different pages in the CCCR Outreach. If you click on “i” symbol, you can obtain detailed information on a variable, etc.

How to Use the Map ?
Ans :
The Map doesn’t support unless Javascript is enabled. The geographic selection is only possible via the graphical interface as shown below. Click on the "Maphelp" button if you encounter any difficulty in selecting the geographic area.

1. To pan the map, click the button (which is on by default) and click and drag on the map.

2. To select an area of the map, click the button then click and drag on the map.

3. To modify a selection click the button and click the selected area (it will turn blue). Drag the orange circles to modify it. (Click again when finished).

4. To zoom, click the and buttons.

5. To zoom in to a particular region, hold down the shift key, then click and drag.

6. To re-center and zoom out and keep your selection click on the button.

7. To start over, click the button above the map.

8. To select a named region, click the button and click on the region you want to select.

Points to Remember

Remember that if you wish to return to your previous selections, you can click on one of the functions in the navigation column at any time (Datasets, Variables, Constraints, etc) and modify your request. Some are common to all application, while others are unique to each one (name for a palette of colors, contour line levels, fill method, etc).

For more information, Please click here