About the Workshop
As part of the INDO-US Partnership for Climate Resilience, announced by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi and the United States (U.S.) President Mr. Barack Obama in 2014, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune is working with the U.S. Government in a series of workshops and collaborations to advance capacity for climate adaptation planning in India. The first in a series of workshops is focused on techniques for downscaling climate information and opportunities for sharing available downscaled information to local planners in India. This “Workshop on Development and Applications of Downscaling Climate Projections” is scheduled during March 07-09, 2017 at IITM, Pune, India.Objectives of the Workshop

The workshop agenda includes sessions on downscaling methods from the U.S. such as Asynchronous Regional Regression Model (ARRM) and NASA’s NEX-GDDP, as well as IITM’s methods on dynamical downscaling. Other collaborative discussions include applications of downscaled information in agriculture, water resources and infrastructure planning, climate risk dashboards, and additional climate information needs.
The workshop is by invitation only. For any queries conatct us at indous-workshop@tropmet.res.inMain Menu
- Ashwini Kulkarni
(CCCR-IITM) - Jenny Dissen