About the Workshop
A science and training workshop on the theme “Climate Change over
the High Mountains of Asia (HMA)” will be held at the Indian
Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune during 8-12 October
2018. This workshop is being jointly organized by the Centre for
Climate Change Research (CCCR), IITM, the Ministry of Earth Sciences
(MoES), New Delhi, Divecha Centre for Climate Change (DCCC), Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru and the Monsoon Asia Integrated
Research for Sustainability - Future Earth (MAIRS-FE) at DCCC. The
overarching goals of this workshop are envisaged towards integrating
the regional climate downscaling activities, facilitating
cross-fertilization of scientific expertise and engaging the
community of Asian scientists for further capacity building
pertaining to the HMA. These goals would benefit the development of
appropriate inputs for further exploitation of the science-based
climate information, with higher-level of confidence using
model-based projections and knowledge of regional / local experts,
by the Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation (VIA) community.
Workshop Topics

resolution climate modeling and regional downscaling focusing on the
High Mountains of Asia (HMA).

activities such as analysis of multi-model simulations,
interpretation and validation model simulations with historical
observations and involving the VIA community through discussions and
interactions for effective harnessing of climate change information
relating to HMA (including the Hindu Kush Himalayas and the Tibetan

Assessment of downscaling techniques and
their products in HMA region to understand uncertainties
accompanying the regional climate projections. It is planned to
include downscaled international climate model data for the Asian
region, including NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled
Projections (NEX-GDDP) and IITM Coordinated Regional Downscaling
Experiment (CORDEX) program for South Asia.

the gaps between end users' needs and climate modeling communities,
and meeting the requests of end-users (hydrology, agriculture, water
resources, land cover, ecosystem etc.) on downscaled products
(definition of data types, formats and resolutions, for
vulnerability, impacts and adaptation analysis). Collaborative
discussions on applications of downscaled information for the HMA

Training of operational departments and local policy
makers and supporting local/regional policy making as well as
sustainable development by providing user friendly regional
downscaling products.