The COordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) is a
diagnostic model intercomparison project (MIP) in CMIP6.
Dr. Swapna Panickal,
Scientist was awarded the Certificate of Merit for the year
2016 for his outstanding contribution in the field of
Atmospheric Science and Technology. Shri.
R.D. Nair, Coordinator and Shri E.M. Botla,
Multi Tasking Staff from the CCCR-IITM got the MoES Annual
Award for Best Employees for the year 2016.
High-resolution simulations of 20th century
climatic variations and future climate projections have been
developed at CCCR-IITM, using a global climate model with
telescopic zooming (~ 35 km in longitude x 35 km in latitude)
over the South Asian region. Click
Rainfall decreases in western ghat Click Here
THE CORDEX South-Asia Training Workshop was
inaugurated at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology on
Wednesday, featuring dignitaries from Asian countries Click
Researchers at the Indian Institute of
Tropical Meteorology (IITM) have found that the heavy rainfall
regions in the Western Ghats and the west coast of India have
recorded a decline of 6-7% in the frequency of
"moderate-to-heavy rainfall days" in the last 50 years. Click Here
The Centre for Climate Change Research
(CCCR) at IITM,Pune, recently undertook a major project,
Co-ordinated regional climate downscaling experiment (CORDEX
South Asia),aimed at generating high-resolution climate
projections over the South Asian monsoon region,including
India. Click
Atmospheric Sciences Section of AGU
Newsletter Click Here
Earth system model to help monsoon
projection on cards (TOI - 7 Oct, 2011) Click Here
Climate Research Center Gets Rs. 66 Crore Click
Meteorology in Day to Day Life a lecture by
Dr. Milind Mujumdar on WMO day, 21 March 2012 On the occassion
of WMO day celebrations a lecture entitled "Role of
Meteorology in Day to Day life" was delivered by Dr. Milind
Mujumdar at Moze High School, Yerawada, Pune on 21 March 2012.
The fundamentals of air-circulation were explored through
simple experiments by the students. The Teaching staff of the
school was involved in conducting the experiments and making
the discussion interactive. Click